Jumat, 09 Desember 2011

POWER true

Greetings all my friends ... sorry ya ga long time since posting,, on this occasion we will post about the general view of the public about the science of true wisdom and understanding, which is in harmony with the creed of''Unity'',

which in essence there is no power in the universe except the power of God semata.Pas yesterday we muter-muter googling in order expedition & investivigasi wisdom about science that develops in the people of Islam since the days of the Auliya / waliyulloh spreading God's sentence of God on this earth.
The power of truth belongs only to God alone, and false if it believes there are legal powers other than his strength, and in essence it is a matter of heart, and liver to be held accountable before God someday., And we do not ever easily sentenced pagan / shirk someone just because a difference of perception.
Verily Allah's knowledge is broad, and Allah is the All-Knowing state servants
May we always in the shadow of God, amen yes Robbal'alamin ..

Naaah .. fit again muter-muter ama mbah google, we can view footage of interesting articles about people who sometimes are often mistaken about the true strength,
congratulations to read;


= "Do not have a conviction that apart from God is to have the true power that determines".

When Prophet Moses revive the dead were killed by being hit with the (tongue / tail) cow / Al-Baqoroh, then it becomes musyriklah if one believes that having the power switch is part of oxtail / beef or strength ALOE prophet Moses himself, as was done by Prophet Jesus raise the dead and many believe that it is the power of the prophet Jesus himself, rather than the power of God Almighty and Most Deadly Turn given to the prophet Moses and Jesus ... .. When Prophet Moses splitting the sea with its STICKS, then it becomes musyriklah someone who believes that his staff is what has the power to divide the sea .... When the prophet Muhammad states that "Habbah Seed" is the drug of all diseases except death "- shohih, then became disbelievers someone who believes that" Habbah Sauda 'it does have its own power to heal, not khasiyat power of God ... ... When the Prophet Muhammad states that "ZamZam water" according to what it has khasiyat intentions drinker "- shohih, then it becomes musyriklah someone who idolize" Zamzam water ... When a person believes that opium and heroin it has its own characteristics and strengths that damage the body and soul, then that person is there in danger of infidelity.

When a patient visited a doctor (or healer) and was given paracetamol, then the patient was believed that the recovery was due to paracetamol or because the doctor, then it becomes corrupted the faith he, unless he believes that GOD has laid properties (Content) on paracetamol for fever.

If one believes that the uranium. Plutonium, Radium etc. have Khasiyat (content) "magical" invisible eye that can damage the body and can stimulate gene mutations that can cause Cancer, as well as having the power of "JIN ATOMIC" so long as he believes that giving CONTENT / khasiyat it is God, then the it's not a problem.

The examples above tells us that God is not impossible to put khasiyat and specific content to the object-but be careful not believed that the object that has its own strengths.

When the prophet David prayed, "Alaina afrigh Robbana shobron watsabbit aqdaaman wan shurna alal qoumil kafiriin", of course with the Hebrew (Israelite descendants of the prophet David in Hebrew) and it certainly feels weird ears who do not understand we discuss only Hebrew spell-like -, then the prayer which is equivalent to it WITH ANY LANGUAGE whose purpose is only to God and prayer is commendable it is worth worship, prayer MUST NOT USE FOR ARABIC.

Instead of all supplications ALTHOUGH USE ARABIC, if contains the belief POWER THAN GOD, then prayer is supplication rejected.

Any Hizib believe will be read with the expected coming of God's help, then that's good.

Any Hizib believed HAVE OWN STRENGTH, then it is rejected ....

Finally, we remind the prophet's message of Hizb order for the pengamal Hizib, do not neglect Hizbnya;

'An' Umar ibn al-Khottob Qoola, Qoola Rasulillahi SAW: "Man Naama 'ala HIZBIHI minallail min syai au-in minhu faqoro'ahuu maa bayn sholatil Fajri washolatid dhuhri kutiba lahuu ka annamaa qoro'ahuu terminal Lail". = Anyone who overslept from its Hizb disuatu night or part of it and then he read it at a time when the dawn prayer and the prayer dhuhur, then he has written as his reading hizb night. Shohih, H.R. Muslims - Ryadhus Sholihin Fil chapter mukhafadhoh 'alal a'maal. No, 2 page 92.

sources; tanbihun.com

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